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Reference list

Reference list: Resources & Tips

Balsam, K., (2001) Nowhere to hide: Lesbian battering, homophobia, and minority stress. Women & Therapy.

 Beattie, G., (2004) Visible thought: The new psychology of body language. Routledge.

Beck, C.J. and Raghavan, C., (2010) Intimate partner abuse screening in custody mediation: The importance of assessing coercive control. Family Court Review.

British Association of Social Workers, BASW., (2018) The Code Of Ethics For Social Work, Birmingham.

Department of Health, DoH., (2015) The Serious Crime Act 2015 (Accessed online) Accessed on 03.10.19.

Dutton, M.A., Goodman, L.A. and Bennett, L., (1999) Court-involved battered women's responses to violence: The role of psychological, physical, and sexual abuse. Violence and victims.

East Riding of Yorkshire Council, ERYC (2019) Abuse (online) Accessed on 20.09.19.

Gerencser, A.E., 1995. Family mediation: Screening for domestic abuse. Fla. St. UL Review.

Gill, A.K. and Brah, A., (2014) Interrogating cultural narratives about ‘honour’-based violence. European Journal of Women's Studies.

Hamel, J., (2007) Perceptions of motives in intimate partner violence: Expressive versus coercive violence. Violence and Victims.

Home Office (2018) Domestic abuse (Online) Accessed on 23.09.19.

International Federation Of Social Workers, IFSW., (2014) Global Social Work Statement. Human Rights, IFSW.

Living Without Abuse, LWA., (2010) Understanding abuse (online) (accessed online) 25.09.19

Kagle, J.D., (2002) Record-keeping. Social workers’ desk reference.

Living Without Abuse, LWA., (2014) Understanding abuse (online) (accessed online) 25.09.19

Living Without Abuse, LWA., (2016) Understanding abuse (online) (accessed online) 25.09.19

Mitchell, R.E. and Hodson, C.A., (1983) Coping with domestic violence: Social support and psychological health among battered women. American journal of community psychology.

ONS (2016), March 2015 Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW).

Parrott, L., (2014) Values and Ethics in Social Work Practice. Sage Publications

Prochaska, J.O., DiClemente, C.C., & Norcross, J.C. (1992). In search of how people change: Applications to the addictive behaviors. American Psychologist.

 Roberts, K., (2014) Towards a psychologically oriented motivational model of honour-based violence. In â€˜Honour’Killing and Violence Palgrave Macmillan, London.

​Rogers, C., (1986) Carl Rogers on the Development of the Person-Centered Approach. Person-Centered Review. New York: McGraw Hill.

Shelter (2002) Dealing with domestic abuse on the streets (online) Accessed on 11.10.19.

Shelter (2013) Being homeless because of domestic abuse (online) Accessed on 29.09.19.

Stonewall (2016) Domestic abuse (online) Accessed on 28.09.19.

Women’s aid (2019)

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