In a one year period ending March 2018, nearly 2 million cases of domestic violence or abuse (DVA) were officially recorded; with 1.3 million of those cases being against females (ONS, 2018). The Crime Survery for England & Wales (CSEW), indicates that 4/5 women do not report their partners who abuse them (ONS, 2018). This suggests that the numbers of females being domestically abused is likely to be significantly higher than the recorded statistics indicate.
The nature of DVA is underpinned by secrecy, acceptance and a culture of normalisation to domestic abuse. Therefore its true prevalence is challenging to attain. All statistics must be recognised as estimates, yet possessing an understanding of what these estimates are can support understanding of the extensive existence of DVA.
Social workers must strive to break 'the secret' of DVA. Supporting and empowering individuals to recognise abuse, seek help and empower social development in the conceptualisation of DVA. Possessing broader knowledge of DVA statistics can help practitioners (and the public) to develop an understanding of the horrifying truth; that DVA is the UK's most prominent social problem and needs a great deal more investment, resources, more encompassing legislations, preventative educations and early interventions to diminish of DVA in the future.